Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Proper 24 B - thoughts about creation

I have no old sermons available for proper 24 B, but I will be preaching a children’s sermon this coming Sunday. These are some thoughts about the relationship between human beings and the creation that were sparked by the readings for this Sunday.

Proper 24 B
Some thoughts for Sunday Oct 18, 2015
Rev. Valerie Ann Hart

In the Old Testament scripture reading from Job, God is questioning Job as to where he was at the time of creation. Rather than giving Job an opportunity to ask his questions God asks the big question. It quickly becomes clear to Job that he has no right to question God and God’s justice when God is the source of all of creation.

Psalm 104 is a song of praise to God for creation. “You have set the earth upon its foundations.” “O Lord how manifold are your works! In wisdom you have made them all; the earth is full of your creatures.”

In the Gospel reading from Mark (10:35-45) we read of James and John’s desire to sit at Jesus’ right and left had when he comes into his glory. Jesus reminds all of the disciples that, “Whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant.”

I have been thinking about the glory of creation and human beings’ position within that creation. In Genesis humans are told that they are to be the rulers or the to have dominion over the earth and its resources. Unfortunately we humans have become despots. We have plundered the earth for our own power and wealth without regard for the long-term well being of that which we have been given. We do not need to think very long to come up with examples of dictators who enriched themselves and brought the people of their lands to poverty.

Jesus points to another way to be the ruler or have dominion. It is in line with the Old Testament concept of the good king or noble ruler who rules in order to help those who live in the land by providing stability and leadership that encourages the people to work together to provide for all of the people.

We can see today what human selfishness is doing to this earth. We can see the degradation of the environment, we can see the loss of species, and we are becoming more and more aware of the planet wide change in climate. Human beings have not done a very good job as the rulers of creation.

Perhaps it is time to listen to Christ’s words and understand that our responsibility is to serve creation, and in that way to take our rightful place in serving God. Human beings have been given the gift of reason and the ability to build and create. We have the knowledge now to begin to understand the long-term effects of our decisions on the whole planet.

In this incredibly wonderful planet that we have been given let us serve this creation. Let us use our gifts to enhance the well being of all the creatures of the earth. Let us stop focusing on power and wealth and begin focusing on serving and health.

This is what Christ modeled. He cane not to be served by to serve. Let us each remember that our role in the cosmos is to serve not to be served - to care not to be taken care of - to build up not to destroy.

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