Proper 14 C
Transcribed from a
sermon given
On August 12, 2013
At St. Barnabas Episcopal
By the Rev. Valerie
Ann Hart
Luke 12:32-40
Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
get ready
a train a comin’.
need no baggage
just get on board.
you need is faith
hear the diesel hummin.’
need no ticket
just get on board.
As I look around I can tell the
people who come from the sixties because you are all smiling and know that song
that was written by Curtis Mayfield who was the lead singer of the Impressions.
And it has been recorded by many other artists since. That’s the chorus of “People
get ready,” and it has a lot of meaning to me personally. But I feel that
chorus sums up the Gospel reading for today.
Look at what is in this amazing
little piece of writing
People get ready
Well that’s the whole point of
what Jesus is saying. To be ready. To be ready and to be waiting. To know when
it is time. To be listening. If you are ready and waiting for the master to
come home, you have your ears open. You are listening, you are hearing. It is
like my dog. When my car comes near she knows. She doesn’t always get up and
greet me, but she knows that I am coming.
So we are to be ready. We are to
be paying attention. Listening to those subtle clues, because there is a train
coming. A train is such a great image. I know for children, especially boys,
they love trains. And there is something about being by a diesel engine, the
size of it and the strength of it and the power of it that just is awesome. It
puts you in a particular position. Trains are fascinating, fun, powerful, and
once a train gets moving down the track it is really hard to stop. It is going someplace.
And one of the things that is exciting about seeing a train go by is imagining
where it is going. Where the people are being taken.
Don’t need no baggage
Last week we talked about baggage
and Jesus is talking about baggage again today. He is talking about all of the
stuff. Of selling what you own. Of giving it as alms. I’ve taken several train
trips. One of the best I had I was just going for a weekend and I had
everything in a small suitcase, well actually it was a large purse. And it was
great. I could get on the train, I could move from place to place and take
everything with me. I had no worries and enjoyed it tremendously. There was
another time I took a train trip when I was staying for a couple of weeks, and
I had a BIG heavy suitcase. Baggage. First of all, when you get on the train
there are these high steps to get up and I had to drag the suitcase up those
steps. And then there are these tiny little steps that go in a circle to go to
the upper place where the seats are. Well there was NO way I was getting the
suitcase up that. There was an area where you could leave your suitcase, but it’s
right by the door, and it’s not locked and you just leave it there. When you go
upstairs you can’t see it any more. You don’t know what’s going to happen to it
and there’s a certain amount of concern. Is it safe? Will it still be there
when I get down? If I have to go to another car how will I find it? Will I be
sure I can get to it before the train leaves when I have to get off? All the
anxiety that comes with baggage.
This song and this scripture are
saying you don’t need no baggage. Whether that be psychological baggage of
memories, of angers, of resentments or whether it be the physical baggage of
the stuff that limits your life. I talk to people who say, well I’d love to
move but what am I going to do with all my stuff? It is so hard to pack
everything, and then we have to pay someone to move it, and I’d have to get a
place that was big enough to fit all that stuff or else I’d have to decide what
to get rid of and I don’t know how to do that. Often the stuff we accumulate
over our lives begins to limit our lives.
Don’t need no baggage, you just
get on board.
What is this train that we are
getting on board?
Now Jesus also says, when he tells
people to sell everything, he says it is the Father’s good pleasure to give you
the kingdom. God takes delight in this. The greatest thing for God is to be
able to give to us. Can you imagine that? The thing that gives God pleasure is
giving to us. To give us the kingdom, to give us everything we need. So we are
to get on board this train, this train that is headed for the kingdom. This
train that’s headed into the future that we are invited to be part of that.
All you need is faith to hear the diesel
In the second reading we have that
wonderful definition of faith in Hebrews. “Now faith is the assurance of things
hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” When you get on a train you sure
hope it is going where you want to go and you have a conviction and a hope and
faith that it is taking you to the destination you want to go to. But once you
are on the train there is nothing you can do about it. You are going wherever
the train is going. We don’t think of it when we get on the train of it being
an act of faith that it is actually going to go where we want to go but it is. And
when we get on board with Jesus, when we get on board with the kingdom come, when
we get on board with God’s intention, we have that faith, that hope, that
assurance that it is leading forward - that it is leading to something good. We
have that hope, that assurance, that life with God will be better than life
without God. That the coming of the kingdom, whether we think of that as after
our death, or at the apocalypse at the end of time, or as something that is
going on right now where we are in the process of bringing God’s kingdom, God’s
rule on earth we have that assurance that if we get on board, we will be going
there, we will be part of that process.
All you need is faith to hear the
diesel humming.
Now I live in Grover Beach and
when the weather is right, even when it is not, I can hear trains going by. Sometimes
you can hear them far off in the distance and they slowly get louder and
louder. It is kind of a neat thing to listen to the sound. It is kind of like
that with the coming of the kingdom. When we have faith we can hear the sound
of the kingdom coming far away. It may not be here yet. We may not experience
all of it right now, but it is coming. It is on its way. The new world, a world
of justice, is coming. Christ is coming. You can hear it if you have the faith to
listen to that humming sound.
Don’t need no ticket.
I like that. You don’t need a
ticket. You don’t need to buy something. You don’t need to have credentials.
You don’t have to have any kind of particular stamp or anything. Everybody.
Everybody is welcome on this train. Everybody is welcome to get on. All you
need to do is thank the Lord. To get on board, to be part of that journey of
faith, that journey towards the kingdom of God. It is all summed up in that
little song.
get ready,
a train a comin’.
need no baggage
just get on board.
you need is faith
hear the diesel humming.
need no ticket
just thank the Lord.
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