Friday, March 10, 2017

Second Sunday of Lent year A

Imagine that you are on a lake and you want to get to the other side. You are rowing the boat and the wind comes up blowing against you. Now you find yourself working harder and harder to try and get where you are going. You struggle against the wind. But then you discover that there is a sail at the bottom of the boat. So you put the sail up and suddenly as you put the sail up it billows with the wind. Your boat starts to move, effortlessly, it begins to be carried along by the wind.

Second Sunday of Lent year A
Transcribed from a Sermon
Given on March 20, 2011
By Rev. Valerie Ann Hart
St. Barnabas Episcopal Church

The evangelist Billy Graham can tell you the exact day, perhaps even the exact hour, or even the exact minute, when he was born again. His wife Ruth can’t do that. She says that her faith in Christ just grew gradually over time. She can’t specify any particular moment when she was born again. And when I am asked, “When were you saved?” my answer is to say, “I’ve always been saved.” Or another answer is to say, “A little over 2000 years ago on a Friday afternoon.”
We have in this passage from John the source of that idea of being born again. Now the translation that we read is from the New Revised Standard Version, and they translated it as born from above. This difference is because the Greek word often translated as again, as in “born again”, can also be translated as above which leads to “born from above”. It can get tricky when you translate from one language to another because of the subtly of the meaning of words.
But this particular episode in John’s Gospel is part of a conversation between Nicodemus who was a member of Sanhedrin,  a leader in the community, an educated man who was touched by what he heard about Jesus, but still a little afraid of what people would think so he came at night when no one would see him. This conversation between the two of them, which moves from conversation into theological explanation and no one is quite sure when Jesus stops talking and the Evangelist begins in this particular passage, is very pivotal. It is an important part of our theology and our understanding of the resurrected Christ.
But it is also rather confusing. It was confusing to Nicodemus. And it is confusing to us even though we have heard all this language before. What is he talking about when he says be born of the water and the spirit? What does it mean to be born from above, to be born anew, to be born again?
Another translation issue we have is that the word for spirit, wind and breath is the exact same word. You use the same word for all three in Aramaic, which is the language Jesus spoke, in Hebrew, which was the written language of the Jewish people and in Greek in which was the language in which the New Testament was written. So whenever you see in the New Testament, or the Old, breath, spirit or wind it comes from the same word. It is just that we we use different words for the concept for which they use one. One of the delights about the Greek language is this subtlety of multiple meanings to a word. Like above and again, the same word means both of them. Born fresh and new and born from above. Was Jesus consciously using this pun by using the same word to mean spirit breath and wind? Probably.
So what do we do with this? What do we do with this concept of the Holy Spirit that is the wind, that is the breath? It goes all the way back to Genesis, at the creation of the earth we have God breathing God’s spirit, speaking breathing, sending God’s spirit over the earth at creation. And when human being are created God breathes over them to bring them to life. It is the breath of God, the spirit of God that makes us alive. That makes us human beings. When that spirit is gone, when breath is gone we are no longer alive.
So Jesus says we have to be born again and we need the spirit the wind, what’s that?
I know that we have a few fishermen here, and if you are not fisherman then I know that there are a lot of people who are boaters. I’d like you to imagine that you are on a lake and you want to get to the other side. You have a destination that you are trying to get to and you are rowing a boat. And as you are rowing the boat the wind comes up. And the wind is blowing against you. What happens? You find yourself working harder and harder to try and get where you are going. Pretty soon you are tired out but you still aren’t any closer. You struggle and you struggle against the wind. But then perhaps someone comes up with and another boat and gives you a sail, or you discover that there is a sail at the bottom of the boat. So you put the sail up and suddenly as you put the sail up it billows with the wind. Your boat starts to move, effortlessly, it begins to be carried along by the wind.
But of course it is going in exactly the opposite direction of where you were trying to go. But it feels so good to be moving. At first it is a little overwhelming. You may be struggling with the sail and it seems to just be tossing you this way and that, but over time you begin to work with the wind instead of fighting against it and you find that when you get really good at sailing you can learn how to tack and go against the wind by going back and forth. You can’t go directly against the wind, but you can still work with the wind in different ways.
So imagine our relationship with the Holy Spirit, with the breath of God, is our relationship with the wind. Now if we don’t put our sail up we never get a chance to have that power, that energy, that support, that help, but if we try to use the sail to go against the wind it is hard. We have to work with the wind. We have to become friends with the wind. Now we are not a balloon. With a balloon the wind comes along and pushes it this way and that. That is not our relationship with the spirit. We are still human beings, we still have some choice, we can work with the wind or not work with the wind, but when we do work with it, when we get to know it, if we listen and fell and sense where the wind is taking us we can just sail almost effortlessly. And we can go to places we never could imagine before.
Now when we are sailing with the wind that doesn’t mean it is always going to be easy. There is going to be struggle, there’s going to be down times. One thing we might find is that as the spirit is sailing along you are not real crazy about the direction that your life is going. It may be God’s plans for your life but you have some other plans. Sometimes we try putting our sail down and rowing somewhere else. Then it can get real tiring and we have to be reminded to open up to the spirit again and let the spirit empower us. And sometimes we go through really tough times, really difficult situations like grief and loss or times when we are reminded of the difficult situations in life when we turn on the news. Like he horrors of what they are going through in Japan, of the struggles going on in Libya, of all the suffering that there is. Sometimes it feels overwhelming. Sometimes we have our own personal grief and lose and doubt. And It is those times that we need to listen, to open to the spirit, to let it heal us and carry us and bring us through those difficult times.
That is the gift that we have, the gift of the Holy Spirit. That's what being born again means. Getting that for some people is represented as baptism. That baptismal imagery of being born of the water and the spirit is a wonderful image. So we may have gotten our sail at baptism. Or we may have always known that we have a sail. Or we may in the middle of our adulthood be reminded to open up and let the spirit blow through us and use us and transform us.

That’s what Abraham did. Abraham is called Abram in this passage because it is early on in the story before his name changed to Abraham. God calls him when he is old and his wife is old. He is called by God to leave where he was and wander. His friendship with God was so strong that he trusts that and he follows where the wind takes him, where the spirit takes him, where the breath of God takes him. That is what makes him such a spectacular representation of what it means to walk with God, to be a friend of God, to trust where we are called. To trust the spirit. To trust that guidance. That is what we are called to be, friends of God who will open ourselves to the Holy Spirit, to let it blow through us empower us, guide us, and carry us.

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